Hit Counter Demo - Evolution of the docker build

Try in PWD

A very simple Go-Redis app to demonstrate efficient image building processes & discovery of multiple services. If interested in a similar java / spring based app, please check out Docker with Spring Boot.

If you want to skip everything and just run this app on your own infrastructure, including docker-for-mac, virtual machines, aws, azure etc, and look at the results, follow the steps below:

git clone https://github.com/anokun7/counter-demo.git
cd counter-demo/test
dockerid=<your dockerid> ./run.sh

If anything fails, please check the prerequisites below. Else you should be able to hit the URLs specified at the end of the out of run.sh above.

What you will learn in this demo

About the application

The counter-demo app is probably the simplest dynamic web application ever built. It has a front end, running a webserver all written in golang (Go) and whenever it responds to a request, it increments a counter that is tracked in a redis database. Each counter is unique to the host (or container) on which the webserver is running on. The stats as to which host / container was accessed how many times based on the counter is displayed in a tabular format. Additionally, there is an indicator that displays the particular env version of the application deployed.

Building the app

Below are the steps to build the docker image for each flavor of the application. The only component we will need to build is for the web server / front end application. The back end which is on redis will simply use the official docker image from the store. Details on that are available at https://store.docker.com/images/redis?tab=description.


Steps to build the application (front end component):

To run through all the different scenarios in this repository, including building images in different ways, starting a separate application stack that uses each image independently and generating test data, just run the script at test/run.sh as

cd test
dockerid=<your dockerid> ./run.sh

To cleanup, please run ./teardown.sh. (You may have to run it again to ensure volumes and networks are cleaned up properly)

Under the hood

Image building in Docker can be accomplished in a few different ways to demonstrate the evolution of building images to make them more efficient in terms of size. Having a small image ensures that you have elminiated technical debt, improved security by not including unnecessary files and in most cases improved the performance of not only deploying the application but also in the running of the application. Below is a brief description of the different ways this project builds the image:

Now we have an image counter-demo:v1 containing the binary, but it also has all the unnecessary bits like the golang installation, other dependencies necessary to build the binary etc. We do not need all these to run the application, we need just the binary and because it is statically linked it should be able to run alone all by itself. Images are immutable and even though you can build a new image derived from this image, you can only add files to it, but you cannot remove files. Therefore we will build a new image and copy over the binary into that image and everything else behind. We cannpt copy files from images directly, so we will have to create a container using the image, before we can use docker cp to copy over the files we want. We can achieve a high level of leanness by using the scratch image as the base as evident in Dockerfile.part2. Also note that only the program can be statically compiled, we would still need any template files and such. To accomplish this, run the following:

docker run -d counter-demo:v1
docker cp $(docker ps -ql):/go/app .
docker build -t counter-demo:v2 -f Dockerfile.part2 .
# Clean up
\rm ../app

How to run the application (demo)

In order to run the application in each of the three modes (onbuild, two step, multi-stage), follow the steps below:

Let’s see how we can achieve both using the commands below:

# For the OnBuild version:
docker tag counter-demo:onbuild anoop/counter-demo:onbuild
docker push counter-demo:onbuild
env=onbuild-dev version=onbuild dockerid=<your dockerid> docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml OnBuild

# For part 1 in the 2-step process:
docker tag counter-demo:v1 anoop/counter-demo:v1
docker push counter-demo:v1
env=v1-qa version=v1 dockerid=<your dockerid> docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml QA1

# For part 2 in the 2-step process:
docker tag counter-demo:v2 anoop/counter-demo:v2
docker push counter-demo:v2
env=v2-qa version=v2 dockerid=<your dockerid> docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml QA2

# For the multi-stage version
docker tag counter-demo:latest anoop/counter-demo:latest
docker push counter-demo:latest
dockerid=<your dockerid> docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml Prod

Now you should be able to access each of the individual applications at:





Hit the refresh button a few times to see the counters increment as it hits different containers. You can also simulate load by using a simple one-liner like below:

for i in {0..99} ; do curl <URL>; done

Let’s scale some of the services using the commands below:

docker service scale OnBuild_web=12
docker service scale QA1_web=2
docker service scale QA2_web=17
docker service scale Prod_web=22

We can refresh the browser (or use curl) just as before to see the new containers being hit & their counters getting incremented.

The output on the browser should be similar to this:

Onbuild QA - manual 2-step build Production - multistage